Monday, March 12, 2007 

Done and Done

I suppose I have been putting off my last blog post because I am sad that it has to come to an end. I've been home one week already! Here's the recap of my first week in the US:

Arrived on Monday afternoon in LA. Had dinner with Sean, Dan, and Carlene. Tuesday we got Sean's condo ready for the realtor to come over and take pictures. It's officially on the market now. Tuesday night we drove to Redondo and had dinner with Dina, Tara, and Michael! It was so good to see them! After dinner we drove to Lompoc. Wednesday we visited with Sean's families. I got to meet his niece Jenna and nephew Dylan. They are SO cute! Thursday morning we got up early and drove to Palo Alto! We spent all day Thursday unpacking my stuff and moving me back into my apartment! Friday we had dinner with my family in San Jose. Saturday I got a haircut from Jazzy, we car shopped til we dropped, then went out for dinner and drinks in Palo Alto with all of my friends! It was SO good to see them! Sunday, I slept in, had lunch at the coffee shop, then bought a car! Here it is:

I got a black Volvo S40 T5 (Turbo...vroom vroom). It's black with dark grey leather interior. I'm pretty much in love with it!

Thanks for reading my blog. This has been a great forum to keep in touch, and share my experiences. With this blog coming to an end, I guess you'll have to actually email me or call to hear updates on my life. Bummer, huh?

Take care, keep well, and stay in touch.

Sunday, March 04, 2007 

"This is India" - Brunch Folk Band


Last Day in Hyderabad

Me, Greg & Scott: brunching at the Taj for the last time!
The Google Drivers and Me! They are the best...going to miss them a lot.


26 hours left in India

I still hasn't hit me that I am leaving India tomorrow, for good, and going back to California. I'll be having brunch with the expats at the Taj Krishna one last time tomorrow. I'll be sure to get a picture with my favorite Sri Lankan Folk Band, for old time's sake.

My bags are nearly packed. The past few days I've limited myself to 'small-stuff' shopping only, because I just don't have room for anything! I guess I've accumulated a lot of stuff in 6 months. That doesn't really surprise me.

I've decided this blog when not come to an end until I've arrived safely on US soil. Hopefully, by then, I will be able to find the right words to describe my 6 month stay here.

One last night in the bed the size of Texas, that is hard as a rock.

Saturday, March 03, 2007 

Farewell Video From My Team

Thursday, March 01, 2007 

Tomorrow is My Last Day in the Office

Tomorrow is my last day in the Hyderabad office, but the goodbyes have already begun. Today was my last team meeting, and my team made me a really great photo slideshow set to the Snow Patrol song, 'Run'. It was really thoughtful, and had me in tears! If I can find a way to upload it to my blog, I will. Just 3 more days in Hyderabad and 1 more day in the office.

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