Tuesday, February 27, 2007 

Indian Stace

Monday night, my team and I went to dinner at Laguna a new Italian restaurant in Hyderabad. I wore the outfit they bought me as a going away gift -- they LOVED it. (I joked that it only took 6 months for me to finally dress like them!)

My team here is really, really fantastic. They are so open, so honest, incredibly welcoming and friendly. I've never met a group of people like them. They have all asked me at one point or another in the last few days, "Stacy, do you have to go back to Mountain View?" It's a really difficult question to answer because, while I don't have to go back, I do want to go back. I will never have an experience like this one again, and my 6 months in India will always be really special to me.

Now, get a good laugh on my behalf. Hot pink and lime green -- I think I pulled it off!

Mrinalika, Maria, Me, Varun, & Nandita

Me, Lime Green, & Hot Pink

Himani, Rashmi, Me, Ipshita, & Puja

Monday, February 26, 2007 

Last Trip in India: Kerala

Cathy, Mags, and I spent a long weekend in Kerala. Our journey began on Friday morning as we flew from Hyderabad to Cochin. From there we took a cab to Fort Cochin where we had brunch, shopped, and saw the sights.

Chinese Fishing Nets in Ft. Cochin

Friday evening we drove nearly 4 hours inland, on windy mountain roads to get to Munnar, a beautiful small town known for its expansive tea plantations. Saturday morning we got up early to go hiking through the plantations. That morning, we stumbled across a one-room school house full of 3-5 year old students. The teacher, Uma, welcomed us into her classroom. The adorable children sang songs, recited their ABCs, and counted from 1-10 for us! They loved getting their pictures taken, and couldn't wait for us to show us the photo on our digital cameras. This little encounter at the school was probably the highlight of my trip to Kerala, and will be one of my fondest memories of India.

Munnar Tea Plantations (reminded me of Napa Valley vineyards)

School kids...so cute!

Saturday afternoon, we drove back to the coast this time to Allepy. There, we chose a houseboat, bought some beers, to set off to explore the backwaters. The houseboat was incredible with 2 bedrooms, 2 fully functional bathrooms, an upper deck, a kitchen, and more! Our boat came with a staff of three: a chef, a captain, and the captain's assistant. We spent Saturday night on the houseboat, and woke up early on Sunday to have tea and breakfast and enjoy the morning cruise through the backwaters.

Our houseboat looked like this one.

Sunburned Stace

Kerala was different than other parts of India. It seemed more laid back, and a lot less hectic. It was a great escape from the hustle and bustle of Hyderabad and its 6 million people. We arrived home on Sunday night, and I realized that I only have one week left in India. It feels a little strange because I am incredibly excited to go home, but really sad to leave India at the same time. I guess this experience is 'bittersweet'.

For my entire album of Kerala pics, click here.

Thursday, February 22, 2007 

Travel Update: Kerala

I'm taking Friday off of work, and heading down to Kerala for the weekend with Cathy and Mags from Ireland. I'm looking forward to it because Kerala is supposed to be beautiful, and I haven't been there yet! This will be my last trip, before heading home.

Kerala is a southern, coastal state in India known for its beautiful beaches and backwaters. I'll share my stories and pictures when I get home on Sunday.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 

Car Shopping

So, I've been car 'shopping' the past few weeks and I think I've narrowed my search to the following three: Volvo S40, Saab 9-3, and the Lexus IS250. I am eager to drive all of them, crunch some numbers, and make a decision! This is the first time I have ever bought a car (thanks for the Altima, Mom and Dad!) so I'm a little nervous - but really, really excited! I've been saving for a car since I graduated from college -- now I finally get to buy one! Feel free to vote for the car you like!

Volvo S40
Saab 9-3
Lexus IS250

Sunday, February 18, 2007 

Time Flies...

Exactly 2 weeks from today, I will leave India and fly back to the states. I cannot believe how quickly my 6 months here has gone by. I am eager and excited to come home, but am sad when I think about leaving my great team here. What an experience this has been. :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007 

Q1 Team Offsite

On Tuesday, my team and I went to Pragati Resorts for our Q1 Team Offsite. At the end of the night, they surprised Amitabh and me with a cake, cards, and gifts! The card is great, they all had so many really nice things to say. My gift was a really pretty 'Indian' outfit: pink pants/leggings, a green embroidered kurta (top), and a pretty pink silk scarf. I'll definitely wear it sometime before I leave! We had a really nice time -- but, I'm starting to get sad thinking about leaving them! For more fun pics from our offsite, click here.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 

Happy Valentine's Day From India!

Valentine's Day is definitely one of my favorite holidays. We celebrate in India too: the office is decorated with red balloons and streamers! Tonight a group of expats are getting together at Anna and Suzie's apartment. We're ordering food and wine from Little Italy -- it will be nice to spend the evening with my friends (so much better than spending the night alone!). Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

I'll be home in 19 Days!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007 

Sick Stace

Ugh. I am sick, again! I guess all of this world traveling has caught up to me. Work has been super hectic, I've been in the office more than home, and I'm not getting enough sleep. All of that adds up to a sore throat, stuffy nose, and annoying cough. No plans this weekend -- just sticking around Hyderabad to get some work done, run a few errands, and rest, rest, rest!

Monday, February 05, 2007 

Weekend in Malaysia!

Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia was awesome! It was a really quick trip (we arrived Saturday morning and left Sunday night), but it was totally worth it. It was a modern, clean, well organized city, with lots of cool buildings and good shopping! The 7 of us had a blast celebrating Jeff's birthday in style. For all of the pics, click here.

Petronas Towers -- tallest twin towers in the world (a few feet taller than Sears Tower in Chicago).

Shopping in Central Market! Yes, I actually bought this robe!

Zack, Anna, Selin, Me, Travis, Jeff, & Charise getting ready to go out on Saturday night!

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